Science and Peace
Science has always served the humanity, but it is usually the role of Man to know how to utilize it. Most of the times, Man has used science for the sake of extracting all the patent talents that enable him to reveal creativity and innovation. But the unconscious evil desires have incited him to utilize science for destructive purposes.
The question that poses itself before his conscience: `Why does Man compel himself to yield to such desires that damage the Earth, the sole planet that we survive on?` I believe that the answer to this question is that Man is maybe keen on acquiring power that assist him in eliminating all the obstacles of Nature. On the other hand, Man is tempted to manifest excellence as nations and peoples.
The next question is: `Can science only be targeted towards construction and against destruction?` The answer is that Man can not psychologically curb his fruitful and villainous ambitions around the Earth. His desire to gain discoveries and inventions to retain full control on the potentials of the Earth could orient and disorient his attitudes. Although the aspects of destruction demonstrate themselves in our quotidian lives, Man intentionally and unintentionally ignore viewing them.
Should science be paralleled with creeds or love? Any creed bears in its inward essence love. Hence, love can emerge all the spirits of peace, respect, comprehensibility, and cooperation that spontaneously frame itself in the form of noble emotions that are concerned with communal services, friendships, and sacred ties.
Accordingly, the Earth will not be to survive unless love prevails in every corner of it. Probably this is a Platonic dream that fulfilling it could represent impossibility. All the witnessed accomplishments on the Earth were dreams one day. Consequently, I can not say that my dream will always represent an impossibility.
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