Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tune in for live coverage from 10th April 2015

Day (2): Coverage of IATEFL Manchester 2015

Opening Plenary by:        Joy Egbert
                                            Department of Teaching & Learning
                                     Washington State University
 Joy Egbert in IATEFL Plenary on Day (2)
Engagement principles and practice in classroom learning, language and technology

To watch this plenary, click on the following link:
To download the slideshares of the plenary,click on the following link:

My View of the Plenary 
Joy Egbert and the Axis of the Class Engagement

This plenary urges the teachers to care about providing engagement to the students in their classes.This engagement could be realized in the classrooms when technology enhanced environments are available in the classes. The task engagement involves principles of authenticity, connection, interaction.Moreover, it incites the teacher to give feedback to their students  and  harness skills and arouse challenge inside students .Flipping instruction is one of the forms of education that could fulfil this objective, engagement .

 To see the interview with Joy Egbert,click on the following link:



The Cambridge English Teaching Framework with  other ELT professional development frameworks shed light upon how the teacher uses the language. When English becomes  the medium of instruction in  the classrooms , the teacher has to represent an accurate model with impeccable language. The following seesion presents this issue to the audience and poses few questions.Here they are:
1-What kind of accurate model  should the teacher represent ? 
2-Can the teacher develop thei language skills to apt to be that accurate model?
3-Are there any differences between a teacher uses English as a L1 and L2?
4-What sorts of curricula could benefit the teacher seeking developing skills?
Let's see the session to see how these questions were handled during the session,so click on the following link:
To download the slideshares of the session,click on the following link:

Hugh has recently started to think of an interesting fashion in  ELT.This fashion is tackled in his latest project .Moreover,he suggests ideas for the teachers can get involved in becoming materials writers. 

Let's see what he says in his interview,so click on the following link:


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