Tuesday 4th April
0900-1020 Opening Plenary by Gabriel Diaz Maggioli
17:25 - 18:30 British Council Signature Event
The British Council has the pleasure of inviting you to attend the follow up to our report launch of ‘Language for Resilience’. The report examines the role that language can play in enhancing the resilience of Syrian refugees and host communities. The ‘Language for Resilience’ report was commissioned in response to the unprecedented effects of the Syrian refugee crisis and brings together information gathered though interviews with refugees, host communities and those working to support them, with lessons learned from past and on-going British Council language programming in conflict and post-conflict areas. Key practitioners and Syrian refugee stakeholders will share their thoughts on the role of language in enhancing the resilience of individuals and communities affected by crisis.
Wednesday 5th April
0900-1000 Opening Plenary by Sarah Mercer
learning is a deeply social and emotional undertaking for both teachers
and learners. In this talk, I wish to reflect on the fundamental role
played by psychology in the learning and teaching of foreign languages.
Far from being an optional extra in the teaching and learning debate, we
will see just how crucial an understanding of psychology is, given that
people and their relationships lie at the heart of the
teaching/learning interaction. While teaching materials and specific
methodologies remain vitally important, it is impossible to reap the
full benefits offered by such resources without those involved being
psychologically in a facilitative frame of mind.
we will consider some of the foundations of a healthy psychology in the
language classroom for both teachers and learners. We will assume a
socially situated understanding of psychology that challenges the
division between cognition and emotion as well as the emphasis on the
individual in isolation. We will focus on the centrality of social
relationships, especially the connection between teachers and learners,
and the role of perception in engagement with contextual opportunities.
We will cover diverse aspects of psychology such as beliefs, emotions,
sense of self, agency and engagement. Specifically, we will consider how
we can help learners to connect mentally and emotionally to their
language learning and how we can support teachers to ensure a positive
level of professional well-being in their jobs. In sum, this talk aims
to focus our minds on what matters most in language education: The
Thursday 6th April
0900-1000 Opening Plenary by JJ Wilson
Friday 7th April
0900-1000 Opening Plenary by Jane Setter
This presentation takes the audience into the seldom-navigated region of intonation in English language teaching, focusing on the role of three main elements: tonality, tonicity and tone. Drawing on material from a number of different sources, we explore the role of intonation in English, and look at which elements are teachable, which are learnable, what resources are available to the teacher and the learner, and how intonation might be approached in the English language classroom and as a self-access learning activity. Expect a multimedia, audience participation experience.