Saturday, May 18, 2024


Thursday, December 21, 2023

My Short Stories

 Story (1)

The Day the Forest Wept

    Once upon a time, in a land far beyond the mountains, there existed a serene forest known as Oakwood. This enchanting woodland was teeming with vibrant flora and fauna, where towering oak trees stretched their branches toward the heavens. Nestled in the heart of Oakwood was a small village called Eldora, where the villagers lived harmoniously with nature. 

For generations, they respected and nurtured their surroundings, preserving the fragile balance between humanity and the forest. However, unbeknownst to the villagers, a menacing predator lurked on the horizon—human greed.

One fateful day, word reached Eldora of an impending visit from a powerful king named Armandus. Rumor had it that he aimed to transform the bountiful forest into a glimmering city, replete with towering structures crafted from steel and stone. The villagers feared for their home, knowing all too well the consequences of human intrusion. The harmony they so carefully cultivated was about to be shattered. Eldora was abuzz with anxious whispers, and worried farmers consulted their fading maps, eager to devise a plan to protect their beloved forest.

The village elders, Elara and Grimgar, called upon the wisest among them, Arwen, to offer guidance. Arwen  spent her years immersed in ancient texts, familiarizing herself with the lore of the forest. She possessed the knowledge to protect this delicate ecosystem. Arwen called for a gathering in the village square, where villagers huddled together, shivering from both the cold breeze of the oncoming winter and the fear that gnawed at their hearts. Arwen stood tall, her long silver hair cascading down her back, and addressed her fellow villagers. "My kin, we find ourselves at a crossroads. Our tranquil home stands in the path of destruction, threatened by ambition and greed. But if we stand together and ignite the fire of hope, we can shield our sacred forest from these destructive forces," she proclaimed, her voice resolute. The villagers hung onto her every word, longing to hear a plan that would help them defend what they held dear. Arwen explained that the forest was connected to all living beings. To save it, they needed to enlist the assistance of the forest's mystical guardian spirits.

As the villagers listened to her, hope stirred within their hearts. The following morning, before the crack of dawn, the entire village assembled at the edge of Oakwood, ready to embark on a monumental quest. Each villager held a small wooden relic, carved with great care and adorned with symbols of reverence. Arwen led them into the depths of the forest, following the ethereal light that danced between the leaves. As they ventured deeper, their devotion amplified, infusing the air around them with palpable energy.

After many hours of trekking, the villagers reached the heart of Oakwood—a majestic clearing with a shimmering pond at its center. Silently, they arranged their relics around the pond, invoking ancient chants passed down through generations. Suddenly, the air crackled with magic, and the spirits responded. With a spectacular display of light, they emerged from the water, their ethereal forms taking shape. Radiating wisdom and strength, they shared the secrets of nature's resilience.

United by their noble mission, the villagers returned to Eldora, determined to challenge the merciless tide of destruction. They stood on the outskirts of the village, welcoming King Armandus, who arrived with pomp and arrogance.

The villagers once again gathered in the square, but this time their faces were adorned with courage rather than anxiety. Arwen stepped forward, her voice clear and unwavering. "King Armandus, hear our plea. This forest is not a mere backdrop for your ambition. It is a living, breathing sanctuary supporting countless lives. We, the guardians of this land, will not surrender it to be reshaped into a lifeless city," she declared, her words echoing through the clearing.

Amidst gasps and murmurs, King Armandus surveyed the resolute faces before him. Here, in the eyes of this humble gathering, he saw the strength of unity and the boundless power of nature. A spark of understanding ignited within his heart. Embracing wisdom over conquest, he vowed to protect this forest and adopt a path of sustainability. King Armandus set out to lead his kingdom with empathy, allowing the voice of the environment to guide his policies—a choice that altered the future of Eldora forever. And so, the forest of Oakwood was preserved, and Eldora retained its natural charm. Throughout the years, visitors from far and wide flocked to witness the beauty that emanated from the impressive oaks and the humble villagers who revered them.

Story (2)

Beneath the Surface

    In the tranquil depths of the ocean, where sunlight barely trickles through, lived a vibrant little fish named Finley. With a shimmering emerald tail and scales adorned in striking hues of orange and blue, Finley was a rare beauty among his kind. A single day in Finley's life was about to unveil a mesmerizing adventure.

As dawn broke, a soft ray of sunlight danced upon the surface of the water, casting a glow upon the coral reef Finley called home. With a stretch and a yawn, Finley emerged from his cozy hiding spot. The bustling underwater world quickly came to life around him. Schools of fish, like galaxies in motion, darted through the currents, each with its unique pattern of scales and tails.

Like clockwork, Finley began his quest for breakfast, weaving through the undulating kelp forest. He followed the rhythmic pulse of the tidal currents, seeking out the shimmering schools of tiny plankton. Hiding beneath the shadows of the seaweed, Finley waited patiently for his chance to dart amongst the plankton, gulping them down with a satisfying snap of his jaws.

Suddenly, a shimmering angelfish named Ariel, with a translucent body, swam by. She was known for her wisdom and adventurous spirit. Recognizing her potential help, Finley approached her timidly. "Ariel, doyou know of any special places where plankton is abundant today? I could really use some advice," Finley inquired, hoping she would share her knowledge. Ariel, intrigued by Finley's humble request, paused. Her vibrant eyes reflected her kind heart as she acknowledged his earnestness. "Follow me," she whispered, and together they ventured into unknown depths. Along the way, they encountered magnificent coral formations, filled with colors so vibrant they appeared unreal, and a multitude of creatures— stingrays, sea turtles, and curious octopuses, each with their own stories.

During their journey, Ariel shared tales of her travels, regaling Finley with stories of far-off lands and extraordinary creatures she had encountered. As the day progressed, Finley began to develop an extraordinary bond with Ariel, realizing that true friendship knew no boundaries, not even among different species.

Finley's adventurous day took a thrilling turn when they stumbled upon a treacherous net, carelessly discarded by humans. Trapped within its tangled threads was an anguished sea turtle, struggling to break free. Filled with determination to save their newfound friend, Finley and Ariel aligned their efforts, nibbling away at the encumbering mesh until they finally freed the turtle, who gratefully swam away.

Exhausted yet exhilarated, Finley and Ariel exchanged knowing glances as they surfaced above the shimmering waves. They marveled at the golden pathway laid out by the setting sun, casting an ethereal glow. Deep within their hearts, a profound sense of gratitude and love bloomed, embracing their unforgettable day together. Back at the coral reef, Finley retreated to his cozy hiding spot. However, the memories of his extraordinary day lingered, forever altering his perspective on life beneath the surface. The ocean, once vast and mysterious, transformed into a realm of endless possibilities and profound connections.

As the moon rose overhead, casting a silvery glow onto the water's surface, Finley drifted off to sleep, eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new day—a chance to explore further, learn more, and continue his never- ending adventure beneath the surface.

Story (3)

The Moon's Embrace

    Once upon a time, in a small village tucked away in a valley, there lived a young girl named Luna. The village was known for its bountiful harvests and serene atmosphere, thanks to the silver glow of the moon that graced its skies each night. Luna, with her mesmerizing silver eyes and flowing ebony hair, was said to have been blessed by the moon and held a special connection with it.

Every night, when darkness blanketed the village, Luna would venture into the woods surrounding the village, following a hidden path that only she could see. The villagers believed she went to pay homage to the moon, seeking guidance and wisdom. Whispers of her nightly escapades reached even the farthest corners of the valley.

One fateful evening, as Luna wandered deeper into the woods, she stumbled upon an ethereal circle of glowing mushrooms. Their radiance was brighter than ever before, casting an enchanting spell on the surrounding foliage. Luna stepped cautiously into the circle, feeling an inexplicable warmth envelope her.

To her astonishment, the mysterious light began to coalesce, forming a figure that seemed both familiar and otherworldly. The figure materialized into a young woman, her skin glowing as if it were illuminated from within.

It was Selene, the Moon Goddess, herself, who had graced Luna with her presence. Selene spoke in a voice as soft as a whispering breeze, "Luna, chosen one of the Moon, I have watched over you for many nights. Your devotion and pure heart have not gone unnoticed. Now, I shall share with you a secret that is guarded for centuries. "Her silver eyes widened with anticipation, Luna listened intently as Selene unfolded the tale of the boundless love between the Moon and the Earth. Countless ages ago, the Moon fell in love with a young human, Arius. They would meet secretly, their love growing deeper with each passing night. However, as their love blossomed, the Moon realized the tragedy of their union. The Earth and the Moon could never kiss, and their love remained forever unfulfilled. Devastated, the Moon called upon its most faithful disciples, those born with the moon’s touch, to bridge the gap between worlds. These chosen few would be granted the ability to travel to the Moon, where they would serve as messengers and beacons of love. Luna, enraptured by the tale, realized that she was one of these chosen souls. "What must I do, my Lady?" she cried out, pleading for guidance. Selene extended her hand, offering Luna a delicate silver pendant in the shape of a crescent moon. "Wear this pendant, and your connection with the Moon will be strengthened. Whenever you wish, you may visit the Moon and carry messages of love to the distant corners of Earth."

With a gentle touch, Selene placed the pendant around Luna's neck, its soft glow pulsating against her chest. Luna felt an electric surge of energy course through her veins, connecting her to the Moon in a way she had never imagined.

From that moment on, Luna became the village's designated messenger to the Moon. Each night, she would don her celestial pendant, disappearing into the woods to embark on her lunar journey. Her path illuminated by the radiant moonbeams, she would ascend to the heavens, traversing the constellations and sailing across the velvet sky.

Luna would visit lovers torn apart by distance, whispering their deepest desires and affections. She would bring solace to the lonely hearts, reassuring them that true love transcended time and space. The people of the village revered her, celebrating her as the bridge between two worlds. And Luna, humbled by her newfound purpose, found solace in the fact that she could fulfill the love that the Moon and the Earth had always yearned for.

Years passed, and Luna continued to carry love's messages across the starlit expanse. One night, as she stood on the Moon's surface, a radiant celestial light enveloped her entire being. Luna realized that she had become a part of the moon itself. Her devotion to the Moon  transcended mortal limitations, and she was now forever entwined with the cosmic splendor.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

 UCASS World Environment Day 2021

Hello Environment Preservers,

My name is Tamer Osman. I work as a Senior Research Lecturer at the UCASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) in Beijing, China. 

I am here to submit my apologies for the environment. Therefore, I have the honor to share with you and my students on the World Environment Day 2021 this video that I have made  about the environment as a campaign against the atrocities committed by human beings.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Don’t Tell Me!



لا تقل لي

Don’t tell me

when days will reconcile me.


Don’t tell me………………

that I can abort my dreams in me.


Don’t tell me………………

that I will conflict with those phantoms in surrender inside me.


Don't tell me..............

that I will stop to conflict them with pens.


Don’t tell me………………

that I am a well depleted of defending itself with words belonging to me.


Don’t tell me………………

that they manipulate people like puppets to cause pain in me.


Don’t tell me………………

that it’s time that duels me. It’s irreproachable for me.


Don’t tell me………………

That life scatters like beads of necklace in a mad sea with no peace in me.


...........................لا تقل لي

 متى ستصالحني الأيام 


.........................لا تقل لي

أنه يمكنني أن أجهض الأحلام


........................لا تقل لي

استسلام  أنني سأصارع تلك الأشباح في


.......................لا تقل لي

إنني سأتوقف عن مصارعتهم بالأقلام


.....................لا تقل لي

أنني بئر نضب فيه الدفاع بالكلام


...................لا تقل لي

إنهم يسخرون الأناس كالدمى ليحدثون الآلام


.................لا تقل لي 

إنه الزمان الذي يبارزنا يفإنه بريء من الملام


................لا تقل لي

إن العمر ينفرط كحبات القلادة في بحر هائج بدون سلام